Monday 12 September 2011


Hi. My name is Peter.  

You have the solution to many of the problems we are experiencing in society in Britain today.

Yes, you really do. So do your relatives; your neighbours; your friends and your work colleagues.

Listen carefully to the various comments on TV and the Internet.

Listen to the radio.

Respect, consider and value the beliefs of others.

Listen to the elderly, especially. They have so much to give. Value their experience.

Listen to the youth who have to live in the society we have created.

Listen to those who are employed AND listen to those who are unemployed.

Think about the younger children amongst us, and the children yet to be born …and think about their future.

We are ALL thinking and saying the same things over and over again.

What this demonstrates is that we are all looking for a common solution …and the solution is unbelievably simple!

It took us, or rather ‘society’ a long time to arrive at the position we are in.

Without doubt the solution will take a similar amount of time to deliver and will require commitment on a national scale.

However we, as a seriously damaged society/country can indeed ‘make the change’. 

Given the scale of the problems we are encountering the solution is, unbelievably, right in front of us. 

How can this be?

Well, the wherewithal to acheive a truly cohesive society is what we are ALL seeking, regardless of  so-called 'class', yet that wherewithal well within our grasp.

However, what is clearly missing is a conduit through which this wherewithal can be directed on a national scale. The only way I believe this can be done is through a dynamic vision that engages and fortifies the wherewithal within us to successfully respond to the vast challenges before us; a vision that binds us all together for decades to come. 

A vision so compelling that it has the potential to take into account the concerns and aspirations of most decent minded people; to improve the quality of life for the elderly amongst us support those employed in either the public or private sectors; ...encourage the innovators and the unemployed collectively; celebrate married, or single, or gay, or religious (or not).

Disabled individuals would attain equality in the workplace; at home and within the community - especially those injured in conflict with other countries.

Business would prosper;  immigrants would be welcomed; Politics wil change ...and yes - even millionaires would benefit.

In other words: ALL OF US. 

I do not have wealth - but I envy those who do. However, I do have good health and a loving family. I believe that that is the basis of a happy life regardless of 'financial status'. 

So ...I have two questions for you: 

How does it help the people of the UK that, if we are affluent we are automatically perceived by the 'less well off' as 'greedy moneygrabbers'?

Conversely, how is it right that if receiving benefits we are generalised as 'scroungers' by a large proportion of our population?

We all wish to live in a functioning society, but to do so we need a vision that excites and enthuses us all. A vision that incorporates the aspirations of the entire population and eliminates selfishness and disrepect - from ALL aspects of society. 

Changing Britain is a vision that will produce...

  • a thriving, broad-based participatory economy; 
  • a UK which consists of a safe, just, profitable, caring and respectful society;
  • very high levels of employment;
  • a people-orientated housing philosophy - with a variety of ownership/quality rental choices available;
  • extremely low levels of crime;
  • a new political environment which delivers (rather than limits) the long-term aspirations of the UK population.

In other words, 'Changing Britain' is a vision based on the need for a genuine, long standing commitment from the people of the UK.

This will, over time finally deliver a democratically elected natural party of Government. 

Gone will be the confrontational two-party politics we have endured for so long.

Strangely, astronomical 'black holes' are often used by the opposition of the day to describe the catastrophic depth to which missing and/or unexplained Governmental financial deficits have fallen. A direct consequence of the Changing Britain vision will be to re-align this analogy in a far more positive manner.

The Changing Britain vision will create a black hole at the centre of politics that will effortlessly attract support from the left, middle and right - but not the extreme left or right of political persuasion.

Also, a 'self-interest culture' has been quoted as being responsible for bringing the UK economy and society to its parlous state today.

Paradoxically, the Changing Britain vision will adopt the concept of 'self interest', seeking to convert it into a tremendously positive aspect of society.

A responsible, societal 'self interest' that delivers social cohesion, exceptional levels of economic growth and - above all - an individual sense of mutual respect for the self interest of others is at the heart of the Changing Britain vision. 

Instead of a society riven with 'us' and 'them', 'rich' and 'poor', 'public' and 'private', 'young' and 'old', 'married' and 'unmarried', 'employed' and 'unemployed', 'black' and 'white', 'religious' or 'not' ...the Changing Britain vision will encourage an inclusive approach to everything we all do - including 'making money'.

Just for a moment imagine a society that supports and celebrates innovation. A society which delights in the aspiration of an individual to succeed. A society that in return demands a correspondingly powerful socially responsibility from the innovators.

In other words, having experienced the generational outcomes produced by the two conflicting and damaging elements of politics since the middle of the last century - socialism and capitalism - I am proposing that the population of the UK moves into the next, logical phase in the process; the evolution of Capitalism. 

I've given this next exciting phase the preliminary title of 'Century 21 Foundation Economics' and guess what? Ideas and comments from people everywhere across the Internet are leading toward the Changing Britain vision without any one individual being in a position to claim it as their own. This is because the central thread that has the potential to turn our depressing, downtrodden psyche of gloom & doom on its head, cement each idea, solution and yearning together has yet to be mentioned ...and I know what it is.

I am no-one 'special'. I am just an average person having the same concerns as you.

Like you, I wish that someone, somewhere would do something to change the course that we are on ...and the result is the Changing Britain vision.

Within the context of the Changing Britain vision the future of this country is VERY exciting. Better still, what we do over the coming years will prove to be an inspiration for the rest of the world.

Once again, we WILL lead the world.

In these challenging times I acknowledge that the concept of 'changing Britain' it is difficult to comprehend. 

We live in a democracy and we don't expect change to occur overnight as a result of our singular protestations relating to a single issue. Results take time and effort before politicians take note. Hopefully, in due course change  is effected that responds to these 'single issues'.

This is not what the Changing Britain vision is seeking to address.  It is absolutely clear that we have arrived at this precarious situation because of our collective personal, local, regional, national and global reliance on the current economic model : Free Market Capitalism.

Consequentially, because of the perceived 'power' afforded toward individuals and organisations which (until recently) had benefited from unhindered financial scrutiny (at whatever level) it has become abundantly clear that all aspects of recent multi-national decline in socio-economic conditions are linked to the failure of free-market economics.

So, there is the need for something new. Something that respects the past and looks to the future with confidence. 

Something that supports and strengthens the personal aspiration of the individual whilst demanding an ongoing demonstration of their responsibility to Society. 

The Changing Britain vision will demonstrate collective economic and morally engaging leadership specifically designed to create a brighter, more content future for the people of the UK ...and any other countries which choose to follow our lead.


So what is this amazing vision? How can it be acheived? When do we begin?

Before I shed light on what I believe to be a fantastic future vision for the UK, I need to know what you think. What you think the future should hold for each of us, the elderly, our children ...and generations to come. 

For now, all I will say is that the Changing Britain vision will ensure that in the future there will be no confrontational politics. No 'us and them'. No harmful riots or revolution.  

And no, I am not talking about Communism, joining China, starting a new religion, joining an existing religion or even declaring war.

Keep looking across the Internet for the 'Changing Britain Vision'.

Please get involved. Leave your comments below and feel free to comment regularly.

Whatever date you visit this blog could be the moment your support begins to help turn Britain around. 

Get involved! Leave a comment and call back later...

In order to generate interest no-one will be asked to contribute any money toward the development of the Changing Britain vision. If we are genuine in our commitment to changing Britain for the better I believe such commitment should come from within and not from the simple act of donating funds via the click of a button. 


(After leaving your comment take a look at the additional pages next to the 'Home' tab at the top of this page....).

Click on the small 'Comment' link below. There is no need to complete a registration process so if you prefer to post anonymously feel free to do so.

Its your thoughts and ideas that are important to the Changing Britain vision - not your email address!!!

 Join Us!  


  1. Good afternoon.

    This country depresses and angers me every day. I'm not angry at immigrants or Muslims or the justice system or the banks. I'm angry at the successive UK governments who have systematically orchestrated this entire mess.

    We don't have a democracy. It is ALWAYS the rich who are pandered to and allowed to do what they want and avoid paying tax while the common people at the bottom foot the bill for EVERYTHING. The "debates" we see between politicians are nothing but a charade. It's all a game. They're all cut from the same cloth and they all answer to one thing and one thing only: MONEY. The privately-owned media companies reinforce this fake rivalry and make us think we have choice. We don't.

    Whether it's light sentences for criminals, overpopulation, religious problems, benefit cheats, terrorism or youth crime, it's obvious that these problems are ALLOWED to escalate INTENTIONALLY to keep us in a constant state of fear. It's a classic case of divide and conquer and too many of us have fallen for it.

    If Britain is to change, people have to disconnect themselves from this false version of reality that the rich minority at the top are forcing us to believe. NONE of it is true to reality. Don't believe in ANYTHING that you can't see with your own eyes. That includes everything that's written in newspapers and broadcast on TV and radio. Don't believe in conspiracy theories either. Focus only on what you see around you. Following the money is a good start. Everything in the world is determined by money. It comes before human life, human rights, the environment, and even the earth itself. Once you realise this, everything becomes frighteningly clear and this is why it depresses me to see so many people sucked into the game that they are forcing on us.

    Our only strength is in numbers. That is why they want us to feel scared all the time. If we are suspicious of each other and constantly fighting over pointless things like religion then we won't unite and that's what they want.

    We have to ignore our differences not because of some wishy-wishy "socialist" ideal but because it's our ONLY way out of this. Don't waste your time hating a religion, a race of people or some paedophile. The real enemy is much more dangerous than all the extremists, terrorist groups and paedophile rings put together.

    If you thought George W. Bush was an idiot and you couldn't believe he was president then you swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker. Same goes for Cameron, Clegg, Brown, Blair and everyone else. They all know EXACTLY what they are doing. Follow the money behind all the political nonsense and you'll see that the rich always get richer and the poor always pay the price for it.

    This cycle keeps on going because we let it. I stopped voting years ago but I'm still a part of the problem. I don't want to be. I want a solution and I know many others do too.

    Here's hoping.

  2. Have a revolution. Expropriate the expropriators.

  3. Thanks Anon.

    As the very first individual to express support for the Changing Britain vision you have just provided an insight into the way in which 'Changing Britain' will eventually ...change Britain.

    I hope you don't mind me repeating this from your post because, unbelievably (and somehow expectedly)you have reiterated the concerns **and aspirations** of lots of people who are presently wondering about what the future holds for them, their families, the future.

    Here is your quote:

    "Everything in the world is determined by money. It comes before human life, human rights, the environment, and even the earth itself."

    Almost perfect.

    If it were me, I'd replace your reference to 'money' with the word 'profit'.

  4. Anon - Once you see what I believe to be the central thread of the Changing Britain vision I hope you'll agree that it makes far more sense than 'having a revolution'.

    In order to make lasting change we need first of all to build a solid foundation. This will take time and will need to involve many, many people.

    The purpose of this blog is to create a central information point for future developments.

    Keep returning!

  5. Hi again.

    Just to clarify. When I said everything is determined by money, I was including our everyday decisions (food, children, education etc.) as well as the more obvious meaning of profit. If it conveys the message more clearly then I would use the word profit too.

    I agree that a solid foundation is required. Too many "movements" are either poorly organised or alienate people immediately. There's no quick fix to these problems so they should be addressed properly and not rushed.

    Anyway, apologies for the sudden huge comment. I just feel very strongly about this.

  6. the simple face is when those in power over us say

    We are all in this together"
    picture a swimming pool crammed to the brim with people.

    the ones who are drowning at the bottom are the poorest, the sick, the elderly, and the unemployed. they cant speak out as they are to far down. they cant say we are in it together for fear of drowning

    the ones who are treading water are the middle class they think that because THEY are ok. everyone is. its a little crampt and they have to change a bit but its simple and easy to carry on more or less as normal. the poor are below them, out of sight and mind.
    they will splutter through we are all in it together mantras

    and then we come to the rich and powerful. the bankers, the politicans, the rule makers and breakers who form the ruling classes which we dfont actualy elect, they just happen.

    they get to sit around the pool, in a nice recliner in the shade. dipping a toe into the world and stiring it up a bit, sipping pina coladas delevered by buxom young ladies making decisions which put lead weights on the swimmers who are trapped in the pools feet and bellowing out for all to hear nice and liud from a safe dry position.

    We are all in this together, for a given value of In.

    yet the mantra is belived. through fear and ignorance.

    the state moulds us to belive that what they give us is democracy. yet when people say NO we dont not want this it is ignored. over and over as we pay to support a system which is built on lies.

    social lies, economic lies and political lies.

  7. There might be some mileage in the changing britain vision. How long do you think it will take?

  8. I'm interested in the changing britain vision. Our country is going downhill big time. I want everything to go back 20 or 30 years to when respect was a big part of society.

  9. Your argument has its merits but I'd like to hear more about the vision before committing any further. Thanks. Harry.

  10. Working toward a long term vision is something i have been banging on about for the last couple of years. Please contact me directly to discuss the way forward.
    Chris Woods, London.

  11. Regarding the Changing Britain vision. Have you thought about using Twitter and Facebook to promote the Changing Britain vision? I'm sure many others would be interested if they were aware of your blog. I'll tweet your blogaddress - good luck with what you are trying to acheive.

  12. I think the vision needs to be solidified before it's promoted on social networks. Maybe starting with a simple discussion forum for example.

    If you are too vague (e.g. Wikileaks) or are just focussing on one thing (e.g. The Robin Hood Tax) then it makes it easy to be criticised.

  13. I agree. Hopefully these cooments will go a little way to solidifying the vision, in terms of incorporating the views expressed into the vison as it gains momentum.
    I have already worked up the Changing Britain vision to include the critical central thread that will give it its strength, durability and appeal.
    Incidentally, as of today none of the delegates / speechmakers attending the three political party conferences have alluded to anything like the central thread which will bind the Changing Britain vision together.
    I'm holding back for now just in case one of them has a 'eureka' moment...

  14. How refreshing. Somebody with the gumption to try and make the future not in line with what 'they' choose but what 'we' would wish for.

    I'll be interested to see how this discussion develops.

  15. Hi, Changing Britain! Following the debacle that was the veto last week it is clear that politicians - from all parties - are bereft of ideas and V-I-S-I-O-N.

    I always thought that elected politicians were meant to lead the country, not turn it into a quagmire of disagreement at every turn.

    The changing britain vision sounds exciting, which is so different to what's going on here in the UK nowadays.

    What can I do to help?

    Speak soon.


  16. I like the idea that businesses can make profit and that equal measure is given to the social aspect of society. The current worldwide financial situation adds to what is already a difficult conundrum and has produced a difficult balancing act so I'm not sure how the changing britain vision can happen?? I'll keep returning because you seem so confident. I'm intrigued.

  17. So how can we become part of the change britain movement?, will it be some kind of political party?, it will need the backing of the majority of the british people to change our whole political system, i agree that the two party thing has gone on for to long, a single government with elected members making up its parts? comprised of people who are educated to function in those parts instead of MP's just being appointed seemingly at random to do jobs that they have no background in, i'm in no way an expert in these things, anyway its a massive thing to try and change the established way things are, i would like to be part of a "vision" to make things better and look forward to seeing were things go with this, Ragards Capitan Beefheart.

  18. I myself am no expert in politics but I am never been sure about voting for pretentious democracies, what we have is an heirarchy, first the Monarchy, then the house of lords, then the house of commons, nothing above the house of commons ever changes but yet they have a final say in politics, the monarchy never seemingly say anything and the house of commons (two party)have always come across as some facade.
    This blog has made more sense in ten minutes of reading than thirty years of party political broadcasts

  19. Thanks for your comments.

    For the time being, 'getting involved' in the Changing Britain Vision will be a) to add comments, frustrations and ideas to this blog and b) to raise awareness amongst other people of the existence of the vision (I would rather refer to it this way than describe it as a 'movement' - although I'm not sure why??? It's just an instinctive feeling and nothing else).

    The way in which free-market economics has produced absolute chaos across the western world suggests to me that this particular version of Capitalism is fundamentally flawed. In my opinion self-interest, greed and a severely reduced recognition of the importance of personal responsibility lies at the core of today’s dysfunctional way of living.

    If we are prepared to be honest with ourselves about this then I believe that we can find a way out of this mess.

    The Changing Britain Vision will put in place a ‘roadmap’ through which we can reverse the damaging social trends we are experiencing today, and then replace them with more effective and widely supported ‘society-friendly’ values.

    Looking forward, I will present what I believe to be the logical next step in the evolution of Capitalism. The more I have looked into this I have been amazed at the way in which almost all of the problems and issues generated by today’s Capitalism seem to be automatically resolved. I realise this sounds strange but that is actually what is emerging...

    In due course I will be providing a presentation of the single most important element of the Changing Britain Vision that will bind it all together (probably via Youtube). It addresses the failings of the financial structures in place today and offers a significant alternative to the way the current UK economic model functions.

    As I have said previously, this will provide a solid foundation for the Changing Britain Vision and the potential of what could flow from this touches all aspects of society and it is extremely exciting.

    The Changing Britain Vision should be recognised for what it is – a long-term vision for the country that is outside of existing, short term party politics, and as Captain Beefheart said - “it will need the backing of the majority of the British people to change our whole political system”. This is indeed what is required, and I have no doubt that a huge groundswell of support will occur across the UK once the full content (and potential) of the Changing Britain Vision is widely publicised.

    Keep the comments and suggestions coming!

  20. Lay your vision out or you just come across as a nutter or a policy wonk.

  21. As a natural pessimist I'm inclined to think you are slightly nuts and it'll never work (or "they" will never let it work), but I hope for all our futures you succeed.

    Best of luck and I'll return to see how you progress.

  22. No - not yet, anon. I understand where you are coming from, and because of the potential of the Changing Britain Vision it is VERY tempting to publish it in much greater detail at this time. I am certain that if I do it will attract greater attention.
    BUT there are politicians out there (and not just here in the UK) who would undoubtedly see the main element of the Changing Britain Vision as a major opportunity to raise their profile and 'run' with it in order to increase credibility for them and their party.
    I am not interested in providing a boost to established politicians who are devoid of ideas.
    Politicians should be leaders and if they do not have their own ideas it's time for them to stand aside...
    During the development of the very successful crime prevention initiative I mention in the 'About me..." section of this blog I witnessed the 'nasty' side of politics (to my cost) and believe me these people have turned it into a dog-eat-dog culture.
    A few posts earlier you will have seen someone comment that "This blog has made more sense in ten minutes of reading than thirty years of party political broadcasts".
    That is ONE person who doesn't see me as a nutter or a policy wonk.
    All I need to do now is find many more and we'll be up and running!

  23. Whether I am nuts, slightly nuts, mildly intelligent or even a genius (ha, ha) is irrelevant.
    What is interesting is your comment re: "or 'they' will never let it work". This is a valid point. 'They' have dominated the way in which democracy and Capitalism have functioned over the past 30-40 years.
    This is why I have already stated that we need to be honest about why it is that we are in the position we are today.
    In other words, we need to include 'us' and 'our' contribution to the mess we find ourselves in before we can realistically begin to turn it around.
    I believe that it is not as simple as us OR Them. It is us AND them.
    If 'they' have a problem with this the Changing Britain Vision will rapidly discard them.

  24. Whatever your big idea is, a change is long over due.
    I wish you (and us) the very best.
    There are a lot of cold, mean and selfish people around who I don't think could be won over to a fairer society, but here's hoping.
    All the best - I have certain talents that I could contribute - how can I help?

  25. Hi altnetid. The Changing Britain Vision is not about the cold, mean and selfish people - they are increasingly looking like dinosaurs. I am not interested in winning these people over.

    However, I am interested in connecting with their children, some of whom could possibly be aged 40+ who are caught up in the current socio-economic problems we face. Notwithstanding any financial gains they may have inherited it is THEY who are living in today's world and it is THEY who will be concerned about the future for their children ..and their grandchildren (as I am).
    Thanks for offering to help out - I really appreciate it. I am currently establishing an independent website that will enable us all to communicate more effectively (and directly). The website will also contain discussion forums on the range of issues to be addressed.
    It is interesting how people are offering support not just for what I am proposing - but for 'us'.
    Anyone got a suggestion for the name of the Changing Britain Vision website (without stating the obvious, that is, lol)?

  26. It's noticeable how more and more people are becoming aware of the bigger-picture issues that affect their lives than was the case a couple of years ago.

    Your blog is another example of that growing awareness.

    The Occupy movement has helped bring the entire economic and political system onto the agenda.

    Had a good look at your blog and the comments because of your recent input in the NatCAN interactive website

    If you wish we could create an interactive Changing Britain group within the NatCAN website that would cost you nothing, be interactive and expose NatCAN members to your posts and visa versa.

    Could organise an web based seminar (webinar) at some time too and that would expose you to a wider audience due or our link with the GlobalNet 21 membership.and the other networks we are connected to.

    If we can help, we will

    Cheers Joe Taylor

  27. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated, Joe. I'll contact you via the NatCAN website (, once I have worked up the Changing Britain business/action plan.
    Thanks also for the offer to use the NatCAN network to publicise the Changing Britain vision - an offer that I will no doubt maximise soon!

  28. You're welcome and here's a bit of inspiration from Mr C Chaplin no less

  29. ...In this day and age it would be fantastic to hear world leaders talk like that, wouldn’t it? Alas…
    I say this in all seriousness and with absolute sincerity. I think too many of us have, over time been brainwashed into believing that the version of Capitalism we are living through today is 'the only way'. Similarly, it is my belief that a staggering lack of leadership at all levels of politics has led to the usual self-interest laden and pompous mantra that, when questioned about the socio-economic problems of the UK the response from Conservative or Labour is often: "It has got to be this way …unless you have an alternative?"

    Well, as it happens there is an alternative; the Changing Britain Vision.

    I had, in fact put my thoughts down in writing about 3-4 months ago summarising how I anticipated the Changing Britain Vision would develop and function. Looking back now my notes weren’t too dissimilar to the speech on Youtube which you referred me to - full of the importance of one's appreciation of personal responsibility and the absolute need for compassion in all aspects of life. However, because of the historical context of Chaplin's speech I'd insert (within the context of the Changing Britain Vision) a few additional comments, specifically;
    a) the importance of the Internet in empowering whole societies; and
    b) that making a profit is completely acceptable, providing this is accompanied by an equal commitment to providing enhanced and genuine societal gain over and above simply paying the appropriate personal/corporate taxes.
    The latter point lies at the heart of the Changing Britain Vision. The 'Evolution of Capitalism' presents an exciting, future prospectus for a new economic model for the UK and elsewhere. The vision embraces the importance of profitability, whilst at the same time demanding absolute commitment toward upholding corporate social responsibility.
    If I ever had the opportunity, I would be HAPPY to say it as it is: We do want peace. Most of us are against war. None of us want to see the working class of different countries sent out by the 'ruling class' (I hate using that phrase) to kill each other over issues that can sometimes be overcome if it were not for the ego's of dictators and, yes even politicians in a democratic society.
    As I mentioned earlier, because there is so much that is wrong with society in the UK (and other Western societies) I believe that the time has come for a deep-rooted, carefully thought out revision of how we all interact with each other based on collective and fundamental values. This is NOT about religion; it is about what we all understand to be right and wrong.
    And yes - as Mr. C. Chaplin says at the top of the video - the Changing Britain Vision is all about hope, too.

  30. I have just read thru the changing britain blog and comments and found it all very interesting. I'd also like to help out. What do I need to do? Have you set up the website yet? This country is so off course but it can be saved. Sarah x

  31. Here are some comments that I hope you will find more constructive than critical.

    Do you have a name we can call you by, Changing Britain?

    I have had to do a lot of reading of your opinions to get to this point. Far too much. This is a deterrent. Also, surely in a democracy your voice is no more important than any other.

    I am concerned that you are too reliant on technology rather than human contact.

    There is little if anything on here that describes how you intend to proceed, other than having a blog. How will you possibly organise the vast volume of opinion into manageable chunks and translate this into policy?

    I salute and wholehearted agree with the following statement from your About Me section:

    "In other words I am doing this because in the absence of any other genuine leadership over the recent past - from whatever political party - my country needs me to do so."

    You are spot on with the idea that if no-one else is doing something, the responsibility falls to you. I hope that my comments do not discourage you, and wish you success.

  32. Firstly, Sarah, your offer of help is appreciated as I'm going to need all the assistance I can get!

    Steve: Your comments are valid. My name is Peter. Up to now I have deliberately avoided providing any specifics relating to my identity or location. This is not because I have an urgent need to remain anonymous - I just felt that it was important to minimise any potential for bias that readers may have regarding 'personal status'.

    I think what I'm trying to say is that regardless of my background (I could be a lawyer, a refuse collector, rich, poor, employed, unemployed, disabled, black, white - whatever) the Changing Britain Vision is what matters NOT who generated the original impetus. That said, I hear what you say and I will insert my first name at the top of the blog :o)

    I agree: too many individual voices are being drowned out by the organised chaos of confusion and incompetence at Government level from all main parties, which is in my opinion due to a) a lack of quality, mature and sensible leadership; and b) a complete lack of what needs to be done next.

    This has transferred to the general population who are becoming increasingly anxious at all levels of society. They need hope not negativity. Sadly the ‘news’ is negative and all consuming at the moment. Even worse we are being by told politicians that it is going to get much worse!

    It is my view that this is not the kind of leadership this country needs at this moment in its history.

    Even the CEO's in the banking industry are quoted as saying they don't know what to do to make a better Capitalism. Yet, as I have already pointed out in my blog - the solution is simple.

    ‘Human’ contact will come soon. I am establishing a website (you may have seen this on the 'Developing The Vision' page) which will hopefully take the Changing Britain Vision to the next phase in its development – actually managing the Changing Britain Vision as it grows.

    At the point where human contact occurs the personal commitment from others who possess the skills, time and energy to assist (no money - just commitment!) will be sought. The level of support forthcoming at that time will dictate the pace at which the Changing Britain Vision develops, and the way in which opinion and input will be organised effectively.

    The Changing Britain business plan I am creating will be an early framework – nothing else. It will provide information explaining how I see the vision impacting positively on all aspects of society. Perhaps that may be the time to organise a meeting somewhere in the country to discuss the merits of the new economic model I am proposing (see below)?

    On a side note I am of the opinion that although worthy, the (Occupy etc.) demonstrations are failing because when asked, representatives cannot put forward a viable alternative that attracts the support of the wider population. What I am aiming to do is to provide answers that will enable many, many people to respond positively to the (usually conversation-ending) question e.g. :

    "Well, so you say that this version of Capitalism has failed but what would YOU do that is better?"

    I'm certain that those involved with other Movements will embrace the Changing Britain Vision when they discover its potential, and once they have sight of the economic model I have developed. The preliminary title I have given to this model is ‘Century 21 Foundation Economics’.

    It is Century 21 Foundation Economics that I believe will become the ‘game changer’ for Capitalism moving forward.

    Finally, others have offered their services to help move things along. Once communication takes place via the website I’m hoping some form of human contact will occur soon after in order to begin the process of coordinating our efforts to maximum affect.

    Hope this helps answer your questions :o)

    Thanks once again for your valued input, Sarah and Steve. Please pass the Changing Britain Vision message on by referring others to this blog …and don’t forget to keep in touch.

  33. For those of you who would like to contact me outside of this blog my email address is:

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Regards, Peter

  34. I'm sure any honest person would want all the things you have descibed, but unfortunately you are either looking for certain types of people, or you are over estimating the concentration levels of most of the UK. All people will be asking is "what do I need to do?" your explanation is nothing more than a sales ad where you're left wondering exactly what you've just been sold!
    I'm sorry if this sounds a bit negative, I am intrigued about the whole concept but what you have produced so far will not capture many for long, even if they make it through the video and blog. I'll be keeping an eye on it but sadly I fear others will not. Good luck.

  35. Hi Steve - I'm aware that there is no 'solution' mentioned, just the words 'Changing Britain Vision' and 'Century 21 Foundation Economics' which don't relly mean much. I am working on a video (similar format to the Changing Britain video)which explains why Century 21 Foundation Economics would work and how effective it will be in addressing so many of the issues concerning us. Unfortunately it is taking me a while establishing the simplest way in which I can get the message across without the whole Changing Britain Vision appearing 'amateurish'. There is so much to cover it is almost overwhelming but I'll keep going! Don't worry that your comment sounds negative - it is useful to me when others provide constructive criticism. It also helps to keep me motivated knowing that people such as you actually take time to read what I have to say...


  36. Hello Peter, where were you 20 years ago, or 10 or even 2 years ago when the British public were looking for a positive sign??? I have gone through your website from top to bottom and front to back and I know that you are witholding what could be a new beginning for Britain. I will be contacting you by email because I have abilities which New Britain could use. I believe in the vision of a brighter tomorrow for all of us regardless of race, creed, religion or colour. I want more people to have a smile on their face because of what they have accomplished rather than a frown because of what the tiny majority haven taken. I believe that the vast majority of people in this country have the same aspirations but until now, not had the ability to voice them. This could be the time to seize the moment. I will be reading with great interest over the weeks and months to come.

  37. Amazingly I am am also proposing a brainstorming session with a small group I am in touch with to discuss forming a new party which is TOUGH with 99% of the irritations angers etc which so many of us within these isles know directly or indirectly; anyone is welcome- if you want my full story and reasoning then email

    Your party just seems to focus mostly on economic/financial issues- I feel law and order, immigration just as much as financial issues must be addressed. Immediately, not another 5 years or so. Only way is a message to the nation straight away with the proposal for this new party. All communications welcomed

  38. Hi buddyinlondon. In one sense the Changing Britain Vision is all about seizing the moment - but it is essential that the appropriate 'groundwork' is also undertaken, and this is bound to take time, so the 'moment' may have to be stretched over 3-4 years!
    Having said that I am confident that success will follow. I'll check my email account for your message and get back to you. Cheers, Peter.

  39. Anon: The Changing Britain Vision encapsulates all of what you are seeking to change - and a whole lot more besides. At the centre of the Changing Britain Vision is fundamental reform of the currrent, failed economic model. It is essential to do this in order to put in place the 'foundation' for the new society we are both encouraging others to create.

    In my opinion a truly cohesive society MUST be based on an economy that produces full employment (or as near as dammit); an excellent working environment for all who are employed and wages that are fair.

    Only then will the citizens of Britain enjoy a contented lifestyle, hence the importance of implementing the reforms contained within Century 21 Foundation Economcs.

    The reforms I refer to include retaining the 'best' of Capitalism (innovation, profitability etc) and merging these with an alternative social charter that commits the people of the UK to an exciting blend of personal, Government and corporate social responsibility - all embedded within the unique 'Changing Britain' economic model that rewards all citizens of the UK, and all aspects of socio-economic activity.

    It is my view that tinkering with a few issues in the short term won't necessarily deliver long term change.

    Britain needs reforming from the top to the bottom, inside and out.

    Sounds strange, I know but this CAN be done.

    You and your colleagues are more than welcome to join us!

  40. Hello,

    I have been active for some time trying to bring to the wider attention the caustic mess that our "society" has become.

    Over the years, I have witnessed a change in the management style of business, particularly the financial businesses, where the prior emphasis was more on operational issues of good service etc to one that can best be described as "asset management". The main point being that the problem to be solved is how to transfer as much of the asset in their own pockets.

    Will look in again and will always be looking for ways in which to become more active.

    BTW. I tried looking at your youtube video but got a blank screen.
